Random thoughts from Ethiopia, Part 2

One of the regular things that happen in Ethiopia is the power goes out. While I’ve been here it’s not been for any real length of time, thankfully. But tonight the power went out during dinner. I’m thankful for “roughing it” with long time missionaries who keep their laptops charged so I can fire off a few thoughts before the battery power runs out, too.

The teaching at the Bible college has been such a joy. The students are hard working and love studying. There is a good spirit in the college and they are eager to do well. We have great discussions.

Where the missionaries live (the ones I stay with) there is a guard dog that gets let out at night. He’s not the friendliest of dogs and I know I’m not going outside while I hear him wandering around.

There are calls to prayer all over the city. Orthodox is the dominant religion, so a nearby Orthodox Church has a loud speaker and they chant prayers for hours at a time. Right now I hear a call to prayer from a mosque. It will be much shorter than the Orthodox chants.

The news here is all international. There isn’t an Ethiopian news station. I can get world news all the time. It’s incredibly interesting and people here are incredibly informed.

The world is still a dangerous place and I notice the US is bombing inside Syria, now. Even before that, the news here shows things we don’t yet see in the U.S. because it hasn’t directly impacted the U.S. But it reminds me the world is still a scary place.

But our hope is greater. I meet amazing people who live in the power of the Spirit and they live with such hope. They serve with such joy. There are such great believers in Ethiopia, and some incredible missionaries. The ones I have met are so eager to serve here and they are so hungry to see the Kingdom of God come to reality in this nation.

I am abundantly blessed.

Batteries don’t last forever. The lights still aren’t on. I’ll find out more things to do in the dark now. But going outside isn’t one of those options. Not with Bingo the dog out there!

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