
I pastored churches for over 20 years, my last one being in Minneapolis. I have taught Bible and Theology at the college level. Currently I find myself in a major shift. I am not pastoring and have moved from an evangelical/Pentecostal denomination to a liturgical church (the Anglican Church). We moved from Minneapolis to Alabama and found in these huge transitions that God is still good and he still guides.

Find me on Facebook.

16 thoughts on “About

  1. A new translation of the New Testament will be released this month. It’s called the Bible as Poetry and it’s the first translation to show that the whole New Testament was originally written in poetry.

    If you would like a free pre-publication edition to review on your blog, request one at the above email address and we will email you one.

  2. Thanks for all the info, Dan! 😉

    No, I really like the look it adds to your blog. It’s really sharp!

    1. Sorry, Gary, I didn’t read the question carefully enough because it IS called “The Stone Arch Bridge.” LOL

      It’s over the Mississippi on the north side of downtown Minneapolis. It was built by James J. Hill during the boom days of railroad and milling. General Mills, Pillsbury, etc., had their mills along the river and the railroad pulled right in to take the flour to markets.

      1. I’ve heard of it; I thought that might be it. It’s nice to have a local touch on your blog. I’ve tried to find local pictures for mine, but it’s been hard to find anything that would work well on my header.

  3. Interesting … Weekly communion at an AOG church plus Lenten readings!

    We have weekly communion and use the lectionary (I too was worried about approaching John 3 in a non-trite way) … we aren’t AOG though. My wife however was raised in the Assemblies, so I guess that’s close.

    I’d like to see your worship service some time though it may not be on a “bulletin”!

  4. It’s obvious you got the name of your blog from Dallas Willard. One thing that he could have said more loudly is that what the Bible says, Jesus says, because many today try to drive a wedge between “Jesus” and the Bible and throw out the Bible and keep “Jesus.” It won’t work, but they try.

    1. I did indeed get the name influenced by Dallas Willard. His book, The Divine Conspiracy, is centered on Jesus and the Sermon on the Mount. Beautifully and wonderfully combined. Dallas would never have separated the two.

  5. Hi Dan, or should I say dan? I’m curious about why you post here simply as dan. You might choose to explain your reasons or not. I’m just wondering whether there is a philosophy or idea behind it that you’d like to explore with us.

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