Spiritual Fathers

The guys known as the blogging behemoth Near Emmaus (talk about corporate takeovers…) are doing a great giveaway. (Which I will probably be disqualified from for my opening remark.) 😉

The giveaway is the forthcoming Eugene Peterson memoir, which I totally want. I can’t say “deserve.” I just want the thing.

They ask that those wanting the book write on an influential pastor (preferably not named John Piper, Mark Driscoll, Rick Warren, etc.).

Piece of cake. There are two.

John Skinner. He was my pastor growing up, coming to our home church when I was in junior high. He taught me to pray. When I could drive, I would go to the church before school so I could pray. Pastor Skinner would be there and I would learn to intercede from his intense prayer. He also loved Bible quiz. His coaching taught me a love for the Word and memorization that was infectious. I wish I had stayed up on memorization! Sorry, pastor!

Larry Hale. Pastor Hale has been my spiritual father since college. I came to his church in college. He had just been elected to serve there. The church was a bloody mess and the only reason I stayed there was because of him. He knew his calling. He walked through some tough battles with people who were incredibly divisive and stayed the course. From him I learned how to walk with tough love, but doing so because you knew you were called.

The lessons from both men formed me deeply. Pastor Hale’s strong godly leadership got me through the early years of my current church. He recently retired and we now meet on a regular basis so I can download over 40 years of pastoral theology from him.

I blogged about a special service he held at our church where he laid hands on me to re-ordain me into ministry. I respect and love him that much.

They are men who deeply love God and love the church. They are true shepherds. Their models of ministry have finally moved me from my foolish desire to be a leader to my deep calling… I want to be a pastor.

Actually, I don’t want the book. I want the guys at Nearing Emmaus to send those guys the book. They lived it out. I’m not there yet.

10 thoughts on “Spiritual Fathers

  1. This will sound dramatic but I have never had a good pastor. In a strange way I think that is what drives me to be better at what I do.

    Maybe if I had one like you I’d still be in the AG! 🙂

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